DIY Coconut Oil Extraction: A Simple Guide to Making Pure Coconut Oil at Home

Unlock the Magic of Homemade Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, often referred to as "liquid gold," is renowned for its versatility and numerous health benefits. Whether you want to elevate your culinary creations, enhance your skincare routine, or nourish your hair naturally, having a jar of pure, homemade coconut oil at your disposal can be a game-changer. The good news is you don't need to rely on store-bought options laden with additives – you can craft your own right at home! In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the simple yet rewarding process of DIY coconut oil extraction. From fresh coconuts to a pristine glass jar of liquid goodness, get ready to embark on a journey into the heart of tropical coconut paradise. So, let's dive in and discover how to unlock the magic of homemade coconut oil!

Ingredients and Equipment:

  • Fresh coconut cream (you can use canned coconut cream or make your own from grated coconut and water)
  • Cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel
  • Mixing bowl
  • Large spoon or spatula
  • A pot with a lid
  • A glass jar or container for storing coconut oil.


Step 1: Prepare the Coconut Cream

If you're using canned coconut cream, skip to Step 2. If you're using fresh coconuts, follow these steps to make coconut cream:

  1. Crack open a mature coconut and collect the white flesh from the inside.
  2. Grate the coconut flesh using a hand grater or a food processor.
  3. Add some warm water to the grated coconut and squeeze it through a cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel to extract the creamy liquid. This liquid is your coconut cream.

Step 2: Set Up for Separation

  1. Pour the coconut cream into a mixing bowl.
  2. Let the cream sit undisturbed at room temperature for 24-48 hours. During this time, the cream will naturally separate into three layers: a top layer of coconut oil, a middle layer of coconut milk, and a bottom layer of coconut water.


 diy coconut oil


Step 3: Separate the Coconut Oil

  1. After 24-48 hours, you'll notice the separation of layers. Gently skim the solidified coconut oil from the top of the cream using a large spoon or spatula. Be careful not to disturb the other layers.
  2. Place the collected coconut oil into a clean pot.

Step 4: Heat and Filter

  1. Heat the pot with the collected coconut oil over low heat. As the coconut oil melts, it will become a clear liquid.
  2. Once the oil has fully melted, remove it from the heat.
  3. To remove any remaining impurities, strain the melted oil through a cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer into a glass jar or container. This will ensure you have pure coconut oil.

Step 5: Store Your Coconut Oil

  1. Allow the filtered coconut oil to cool to room temperature.
  2. Seal the jar or container with an airtight lid.
  3. Store your homemade coconut oil in a cool, dark place. It should remain liquid if kept above 76°F (24°C) or solidify if stored below this temperature.

Congratulations! You've successfully extracted coconut oil from coconut cream. You can now use this homemade coconut oil for cooking, skincare, haircare, or any other purpose you desire. Homemade coconut oil is free from additives and preservatives, making it a healthy and natural choice.